Rooming With Danger (2023)
In a chilling tale of twisted relationships and sinister obsessions, a young professional seeks solace after a painful break-up by moving in with a seemingly ideal roommate. Initially finding comfort in their shared space, she soon discovers that beneath the surface lies a dark and dangerous fixation. Unbeknownst to her, she becomes the target of a deadly obsession, and her life takes a haunting turn. As the lines between friendship and menace blur, she must navigate a treacherous path where her every move is monitored, and her safety hangs by a thread. In a race against time, she must unravel the truth behind her roommate’s twisted intentions, confront her own vulnerabilities, and fight for her life against an adversary who stops at nothing to possess her.
Movie: Rooming with Danger
Rated: TV-PG
Director: Christine Conradt
Stars: Adrian Quinonez, Camila Senna, Christopher Millan, Daniela Rivera, Emily Roslyn Villarreal, Samuel Parker, Steph Martinez
Release Date: 2023-03-31
Release Year: 2023
Country: United States
Runtime: 87 min
IMDB Rating: 5.8/10
User Votes: 127
TMDB Rating: 8/10
Visits: 98