Tell No Lies (2024)
In a harrowing tale of suspense, a husband’s world unravels when his wife mysteriously disappears. Desperation propels him to seek help from law enforcement, only to be confronted with a shocking twist – his own innocence is now under scrutiny by everyone involved. The film unfolds as a gripping mystery, exploring the fine line between trust and suspicion in the search for truth. As the husband grapples with mounting accusations, he must navigate a labyrinth of secrets and unexpected revelations to unravel the mystery behind his wife’s disappearance. “Innocence Lost” is a riveting psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of trust, perception, and the quest for answers in the face of personal turmoil.
Movie: Tell No Lies
Rated: TV-MA
Director: Dylan Vox
Stars: Adam Bond, Emily Eaton-Plowright, Keturah Chambers, Lachele Carl, Nick Biadon, Vanessa Donovan, Wil Johnson
Release Date: 2024-01-18
Release Year: 2024
Country: United Kingdom
Runtime: 104 min
IMDB Rating: 7.0/10
User Votes: 49
Visits: 37