Frat Star (2017)
“Frat Star” explores the alluring, superficial, manipulative, and dark world of Ivy League fraternity culture. An insecure, poor, and broken-hearted Nick enters freshman year with no interest in fraternities. This all changes when his old money roommate Billy convinces him to pledge.
Movie: Frat Star
Rated: TV-MA
Director: Grant S. Johnson, Ippsie Jones, Jena Serbu
Stars: Austin Ramsey, Cathryn Dylan, Chris Elliott, Connor Lawrence, Courtney C. Clark, Courtney Christine, Justiin A. Davis, Justin Mark, Max Curnin, Max Sheldon, Nicole Balsam, Tyler Weaks, Veronika Dash
Release Date: 2017-01-03
Quality: SD
Release Year: 2017
Country: United States, USA
Runtime: 85 min
IMDB Rating: 3.5/10
User Votes: 738
TMDB Rating: 4.8/10
Visits: 761