Astro Boy (2009)
Set in the futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy (Atom) is a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist in the image of the son he had lost. Unable to fulfill his creator’s expectations, Astro embarks on a journey in search of acceptance, experiencing betrayal and a netherworld of robot gladiators, before returning to save Metro City and reconcile with the father who rejected him.
Movie: Astro Boy
Rated: PG
Category: Action, Animation, Family, Science Fiction
Director: David Bowers
Stars: Bill Nighy, Donald Sutherland, Eugene Levy, Freddie Highmore, Kristen Bell, Madeline Carroll, Nicolas Cage, Sterling Beaumon
Release Date: 2009-10-15
Quality: HD
Tagline: Have a blast.
Release Year: 2009
Country: Hong Kong, Japan, United States, USA
Runtime: 94 min
IMDB Rating: 6.2/10
User Votes: 39,474
TMDB Rating: 6.3/10
Visits: 1225