The Fluffy Movie (2014)
Stand-up comic Gabriel Iglesias delights audiences during his sold-out “Unity Through Laughter” tour, which spans more than 400 cities in 23 countries. During his set, Iglesias — nicknamed “Fluffy” — pounces on topics like communicating with his teenage son, struggling with his weight, performing his concert tour across India, and handling the reappearance of his father after a 30-year absence.
Movie: The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter
Rated: PG-13
Category: Comedy
Director: Jay Lavender, Manny Rodriguez
Stars: Gabriel Iglesias, Jeremy Ray Valdez, Juliocesar Chavez
Release Date: 2014-07-25
Quality: HD
Tagline: — unity through laughter —
Release Year: 2014
Country: United States, USA
Runtime: 101 min
IMDB Rating: 7.2/10
User Votes: 3,929
TMDB Rating: 6.955/10
Visits: 682