My Beautiful Broken Brain (2014)
A profoundly personal voyage into the complexity, fragility and wonder of the human brain, after Lotje Sodderland miraculously survives a hemorrhagic stroke and finds herself starting again in an alien world, bereft of language and logic. This feature documentary takes us on a genre-twisting tale that is by turns excruciating and exquisite – from the devastating consequences of a first-time neurological experiment, through to the extraordinary revelations of her altered sensory perception.
Movie: My Beautiful Broken Brain
Rated: TV-14
Category: Documentary
Director: Lotje Sodderland, Lotje Sodderland(co-director), Sophie Robinson
Stars: David Lynch, Hente Sodderland, Jan Sodderland, Lotje Sodderland, Sophie Robinson
Release Date: 2014-11-21
Quality: HD
Tagline: Life is like a dream
Release Year: 2014
Country: UK, United Kingdom
Runtime: 86 min
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
User Votes: 2,418
TMDB Rating: 7.032/10
Visits: 960