Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always (2023)
Following a devastating event, a young woman unexpectedly finds herself bestowed with incredible powers and chosen to join the Power Rangers team. As she learns to harness her abilities, she discovers a looming threat from the team’s oldest enemy, who has returned to wreak havoc on the world once again. With the help of her new teammates, the young hero must face her fears and fight to save the world from destruction.
Movie: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always
Rated: TV-Y7
Category: Action, Adventure, Family, Science Fiction
Director: Charlie Haskell
Stars: Barbara Goodson, Catherine Sutherland, Charlie Kersh, David Yost, Richard Steven Horvitz, Steve Cardenas, Walter Jones
Release Date: 2023-04-19
Tagline: A Mighty Morphin reunion 30 years in the making.
Release Year: 2023
Country: United States
Runtime: 55 min
IMDB Rating: N/A/10
User Votes: N/A
TMDB Rating: 6.772/10
Visits: 163