Manifest: The Chryzinium Era (2017)
Manifest: The Chryzinium Era is a 2017 American science fiction short film drama, written, directed and produced by Rick Lord, Phillip Wade and Tim Wade, in which Madison and her father are outcasts in a society ruled by an alien civilization. Survival is becoming more difficult, forcing Madison to make a decision that will change her life forever. The film stars Phoebe Jacobs, Rick Lord and Tim Wade.
Movie: Manifest: The Chryzinium Era
Rated: N/A
Category: Drama, Science Fiction
Director: Phillip Wade, Rick Lord, Tim Wade
Stars: Edward Stiner, Hunter Rose Teal, Phillip Wade, Phoebe Jacobs, Rick Lord, Tim Wade, Tracy Wachter Webber
Release Date: 2017-09-26
Quality: HD
Tagline: Madison and her father are outcasts in a society ruled by an alien civilization. Survival is becoming more difficult, forcing Madison to make a decision that will change her life forever.
Release Year: 2017
Country: USA
Runtime: 27 min
IMDB Rating: 4.8/10
User Votes: 33
TMDB Rating: 4/10
Visits: 669