Resting Place (1986)
A television movie set in Rockville, Georgia, in 1972. Major Kendall Laird, a Survival Assistance Officer, arrives in this sleepy little town with the body of Lieutenant Dwyte Johnson, a Vietnam war hero. It’s Laird’s job to help Johnson’s parents bury their son. But since the dead hero was black, his parents are turned away by the white racists who maintain the town’s “all-white” cemetery.
Movie: Resting Place
Rated: PG
Category: Drama
Director: John Korty
Stars: CCH Pounder, Frances Sternhagen, G. D. Spradlin, John Lithgow, Morgan Freeman, Richard Bradford, Richard Brooks
Release Date: 1986-04-27
Quality: HD
Tagline: Military honors knows no color
Release Year: 1986
Country: United States, USA
Runtime: 100 min
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10
User Votes: 628
TMDB Rating: 6.231/10
Visits: 828