Is it safe to watch movies on Movbie ?

Of course, Watching movies or Tv-series on 123Movies is totally safe and free with no buffering. We also do not host the movies etc. We only link to secure third parties.


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How to turn on Subtitles?

How to play the movies in full screen mode ?

How do I know a quality of a Movie?

I can’t find my Favorite movies, what can I do ?

Do the deep search with filter option in 123Movies page. Still not found? Don’t worry. Please visit ‘Make A Request‘ page. Fill the form properly and we will upload your mentioned movies or Tv-serries for you.

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The Movie doesn’t play, it keeps loading. Why?

First clear all cookies of your browser then refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) and try again. Try chrome for better performance. Click the play button and close all popup ads (All ads on Movbie are safe with no virus). If the video still doesn’t work then click on other servers available with different quality.

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Other problems with watching?

How to contact Movbie ?

To Contact 123 Movies, Please Click here or Write an E-Mail. Thanks!

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