JUNG_E (2023)
In a desolate future Earth where survival is a constant battle, the fate of a war-torn society hangs in the balance as they resort to an audacious plan: cloning the brilliant mind of an elite soldier to forge an unstoppable robotic warrior. Amidst the chaos of a devastating civil war, the race against time begins as scientists embark on the risky mission to transfer the soldier’s consciousness into a formidable mechanical mercenary. As the lines between man and machine blur, the stakes escalate, and the future of humanity rests on the success of this groundbreaking experiment. In this gripping tale of desperation and ingenuity, the clash of technology and warfare will shape the destiny of a ravaged world, forever changing the course of history.
Movie: Jung_E
Rated: TV-14
Category: Science Fiction
Director: Sang-ho Yeon
Stars: Han Woo-yeol, Kang Soo-youn, Kim Hyun-joo, Lee Dong-hee, Lee Ga-kyung, Ryu Kyung-soo, Uhm Ji-won
Release Date: 2023-01-12
Tagline: AI Combat Warrior Will be Unleashed.
Release Year: 2023
Country: South Korea
Runtime: 98 min
IMDB Rating: 5.4/10
User Votes: 9,162
TMDB Rating: 6.264/10
Visits: 141