A Lifeguard’s Obsession (2023)
In the heartfelt romantic comedy “A Lifeguard’s Obsession,” a socially awkward and lonely lifeguard’s life takes an unexpected turn when he heroically rescues a well-known woman from the clutches of drowning. Fueled by the belief that this act of bravery has earned him a deserving place in her life and her heart, he embarks on a charming and sometimes comical journey to win her affections. Along the way, he must navigate the complexities of their disparate worlds, confronting his own insecurities and stepping out of his comfort zone to prove that love knows no boundaries. With endearing sincerity and a touch of whimsy, “Tides of Fate” explores the transformative power of a chance encounter and the extraordinary lengths one can go to capture the heart of another.
Movie: A Lifeguard's Obsession
Rated: Not Rated
Director: Lane Shefter Bishop
Stars: Amanda Jones, Christian Howard, Craig Geoghan, Jennifer Castillo, Naomi Baker, Noah Fearnley, Steven James Olson
Release Date: 2023-03-10
Release Year: 2023
Country: United States
Runtime: 88 min
IMDB Rating: 4.5/10
User Votes: 112
TMDB Rating: 3.7/10
Visits: 157