Sisters on the Run (2023)
In the gripping thriller “Sisters on the Run,” Selma’s life takes a chilling turn when she finds herself forced to defend her own life by taking the life of her corrupt police officer husband. Haunted by this fateful act, Selma seeks refuge in the unlikeliest of places: the arms of her estranged sister Madison. As Selma seeks solace and safety within the walls of her sister’s home, she grapples with the burden of her hidden truth, withholding the full extent of her dark deed from Madison. With secrets lurking in the shadows, the tension rises, threatening to unravel the fragile trust between the sisters. As the web of deception tightens, Selma must confront the consequences of her actions and decide whether revealing the whole truth is worth the potential devastation it could unleash upon their already fractured relationship.
Movie: Sisters on the Run
Rated: Not Rated
Category: TV Movie
Director: Mitchell Altieri
Stars: Aubrey Stevens, Brandon Tyler Moore, Brianna Cohen, Jonathan Stoddard, Kevin Wayne, Nicole Marie Johnson, Zach Meiser
Release Date: 2023-03-06
Release Year: 2023
Country: United States
Runtime: 88 min
IMDB Rating: 5.1/10
User Votes: 79
TMDB Rating: 7.167/10
Visits: 87